Honey Lovers! We bring nature's sweetener from the bees to you

Baking with Honey: The Basics

When baking with honey, you can use the same amount of honey and cut the liquid by one quarter, for example:
1 cup sugar + 1 cup milk =1 cup honey + 3/4 cup milk
Or you can replace sugar with three quarters of honey, for example:
1 cup sugar = 3/4 cup honey
Honey will slide out of measuring cups or spoons if oil is measured first or if the measures are rinsed with hot water.
Add honey to batter in a fine stream, beating constantly.
Baked goods containing honey brown more quickly, therefore, the temperature should be reduced by 25°F degrees to prevent over-browning and flavour change. Baked goods also remain fresh and moist for a longer period of time when honey is used.
Mild flavoured honey is best for baking or cooking if you don’t want a flavour change, while using a stronger honey will bring out new flavours.
This information was taken from the OBA’s ‘How to Use Honey article, where you can also find information on how to can, preserve and make jams and jellies with honey.

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