Honey Lovers! We bring nature's sweetener from the bees to you

honeybee on flower

Life is the flower for which love is the honey. ~ Victor Hugo

honeybee in hive

He who wants to lick the honey must not shy away from the bees! ~ Scottish proverb

honeybee on blade of grass

That which is not good for the beehive cannot be good for the bees. ~ Marcus Aurelius

We believe in working within sustainable local food systems and place a high value on supporting our ecosystem, our local farmers, and our community. We like to offer the best quality we can in our honey products and customer service. We are constantly learning about techniques used by other beekeepers and ways we can support pollinators, and as we learn we are incorporating this knowledge into our business practices.

Over the last few years we have been exploring healthy new products such as bee pollen, propolis and small-batch, specialty flavoured honeys. We've also added plants and habitat spaces to our farm to better support pollinators.

Where to Find our Honey


Store Hours


Tuesday 11am-5pm

Wednesday 9am-5:30pm

Thursday 9am-5:30pm

Friday 9am-5:30pm

Saturday 9am-12:00pm



Sunday & Monday